
19 mars 2007

Méditation qui fait réfléchir

Voici une petite méditation que j'ai lu hier...

C'est la version anglaise (Our Daily Bread).

Religion or Christ ?

Mary works hard because she wants her boss to recognize her accomplishments and reward her with a higher-paying position. Nancy loves her job and the product her company sells, and out of loyalty she works hard to make the product better.

Mary is like the person who hopes that good works or religion will be rewarded by God someday. Such people count on their good deeds to get them into heaven.

Nancy is a picture of those who have faith in God to get them into heaven. Such people do good works out of gratitude and love for Him.

Someone with religion may believe in God, attend church, say prayers, show kindness, and be seen as a good person. People with religion have many good qualities, but religion is not a substitute for faith in Jesus Christ.

People with faith put their trust in Jesus for forgiveness of sin. They have assurance of entrance into heaven and seek to become more like Jesus each day.

The apostle Paul said that the way of salvation is by grace through faith. It’s not of works but is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8-9).

The only way to the Father in heaven
is through faith in Jesus (John 14:6)

Do you choose religion or Christ? - Anne Cetas

We are saved not by what we do but
by trusting what Christ has done.

Source : Our Daily Bread - RBC Ministries

For Further Study
If you have questions about faith in Christ,
read Religion Or Christ : What's The Difference?

You can order this booklet

and over 160 titles of Discovery Series Booklets.

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Si vous préférez lire ce livret en français, voici l'information pour vous procurer la publication française (Il y a un coût pour ce livret) :

Série découverte : Une religion ou Jésus-Christ? Quelle est la différence?

Publications Chrétiennes, 230, rue Lupien, Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Québec, G8T 6W4
ou peut-être à la librairie le messager chrétien à Gatineau.

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