Jesus’ Difficult Words
Read : John 6.44-58
En français : Jean 6.44-58
Recently, a company advertised a “huggable, washable, and talking” Jesus doll that recites “actual Scripture verses to introduce children of all ages to the wisdom of the Bible.” Its sayings include, “I have an exciting plan for your life,” and “Your life matters so much to Me.” Who wouldn’t want to follow a Jesus like this?

This message was offensive and difficult. The image of eating flesh and drinking blood did not give His hearers “warm fuzzies.” Many stopped following Him (v.66). He wasn’t the conquering Messiah-King they had expected.
Sometimes we want a Jesus who meets our selfish needs. But the wonderful life He offers is found only in radical obedience to His commands. Let’s ask Jesus to show us what His words mean, and for the courage to act on His truth. — Marvin Williams
“We love You, Lord Jesus,” we often may say, But are we as ready His will to obey? Let’s heed what God’s Spirit would have us to do, For that’s how we show Him a love that is true. — DJD
The way of Jesus is not always easy.
Source : Our Daily Bread
John 6.45 : Jesus was alluding to an Old Testament view of the Messianic kingdom in which all people are taught directly by God (Isaiah 54.13; Jeremiah 31.31-34). He was stressing the importance of not merely hearing, but learning. We are taught by God through the Bible, our experiences, the thoughts the Holy Spirit brings, and relationships with other Christians. Are you open to God's teaching?
John 6.56 : This was a shocking message - to eat flesh and drink blood sounded cannibalistic. The idea of drinking any blood, let alone human blood, was repugnant to the religious leaders because the law forbade it (Leviticus 17.10,11). Jesus was not talking about literal blood, of course. He was saying that his life had to become their own, but they could not accept this concept. The apostle Paul later used the body and blood imagery in talking about communion (see 1 Corinthians 11.23-26).
John 6.66 : Why did Jesus' words cause many of his followers to desert him?
(1) They may have realized that he wasn't going to be the conquering Messiah-King they expected.
(2) He refused to give in to their self-centered requests.
(3) He emphasized faith, not deeds.
(4) His teachings were difficult to understand, and some of his words were offensive.
As we grow in our faith, we may be tempted to turn away because Jesus' lessons are difficult.
Will your response be to give up, ignore certain teachings, or reject Christ?
Instead, ask God to show you what the teachings mean and how they apply to your life. Then have the courage to act on God's truth.
Life Application Bible : Daily application of God's Word has a purifying effect on our minds and hearts. Scripture points out sin, motivates us to confess, renews our relationship with Christ, and guides us back to the right path.
Jésus dit : "Je suis le Chemin et la Vérité et la Vie,
Nul ne vient au Père que par moi." Jean 14.6
Life Application Bible : Jesus says he is the only way to God the Father. Some people may argue that this way is too narrow. In reality, it is wide enough for the whole world, if the world chooses to accept it. Instead of worrying about how limited it sounds to have only one way, we should be saying, "Thank you, God, for providing a sure way to get to you!"
As the way, Jesus is our path to the Father. As the truth, he is the reality of all God's promises. As the life, he joins his divine life to ours, both now and eternally.
Peut-être, diras-tu, c'est trop tard, j'ai abîmé ma vie...
Mais non ! Tourne-toi vers le Seigneur Jésus dès aujourd'hui !
Life Application Bible : God offers salvation to all people. Many people put off a decision for Christ, thinking that there will be a better time - but they could easily miss their opportunity altogether. There is no time like the present to receive God's forgiveness. Don't let anything hold you back from coming to Christ.
Un texte qui vous aidera à approfondir ce verset :
"L'appel du Sauveur".
Je vous invite à lire ce texte : "Le Titanic - Une autre approche".
Vous pouvez aller relire un blog que j'ai écrit dans le passé sur une relation personnelle avec Dieu. J'avais inscrits beaucoup de bons sites à visiter.
Un cantique rempli de vérité : "Where will you spend eternity?".
Le plan de Dieu : "Le plan du salut".
Voici les paroles de cette chanson.
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Dieu dit toujours la vérité à l'homme, sa créature qu'il aime et qu'il désire sauver. Dans la bible, qui est sa Parole, il ne dit pas que tout va bien, mais, au contraire, que nous sommes perdus et que le jugement nous attend. Si nous n'osons pas regarder la réalité en face, c'est qu'elle nous effraie. Se sentir démuni devant les vrais problèmes qui se posent ne doit pas nous conduire à faire taire notre conscience et fermer notre coeur, ou à faire l'autruche qui, dit-on, cache sa tête dans le sable pour ne pas voir le danger. Si la Bible n'hésite pas à dire la vérité aux hommes sur leur terrible état, c'est parce que Dieu peut y apporter un remède pleinement efficace qui leur donnera le vrai bonheur.
Source : La Bonne Semence

"La bonne nouvelle ne tombe pas du ciel comme la pluie tombe des nuages, mais elle est portée par les mains des hommes et des femmes à qui Dieu l'a envoyée." - Jean Calvin
Nul ne vient au Père que par moi." Jean 14.6
Life Application Bible : Jesus says he is the only way to God the Father. Some people may argue that this way is too narrow. In reality, it is wide enough for the whole world, if the world chooses to accept it. Instead of worrying about how limited it sounds to have only one way, we should be saying, "Thank you, God, for providing a sure way to get to you!"
As the way, Jesus is our path to the Father. As the truth, he is the reality of all God's promises. As the life, he joins his divine life to ours, both now and eternally.
Peut-être, diras-tu, c'est trop tard, j'ai abîmé ma vie...
Mais non ! Tourne-toi vers le Seigneur Jésus dès aujourd'hui !
Life Application Bible : God offers salvation to all people. Many people put off a decision for Christ, thinking that there will be a better time - but they could easily miss their opportunity altogether. There is no time like the present to receive God's forgiveness. Don't let anything hold you back from coming to Christ.
Un texte qui vous aidera à approfondir ce verset :
"L'appel du Sauveur".
Es-ce que vous vous êtes déjà posé la question :
"À quel endroit vais-je passer l'Éternité ?"
"À quel endroit vais-je passer l'Éternité ?"
Je vous invite à lire ce texte : "Le Titanic - Une autre approche".
Vous pouvez aller relire un blog que j'ai écrit dans le passé sur une relation personnelle avec Dieu. J'avais inscrits beaucoup de bons sites à visiter.
Un cantique rempli de vérité : "Where will you spend eternity?".
Le plan de Dieu : "Le plan du salut".
Voici les paroles de cette chanson.
* * * * *
Dieu dit toujours la vérité à l'homme, sa créature qu'il aime et qu'il désire sauver. Dans la bible, qui est sa Parole, il ne dit pas que tout va bien, mais, au contraire, que nous sommes perdus et que le jugement nous attend. Si nous n'osons pas regarder la réalité en face, c'est qu'elle nous effraie. Se sentir démuni devant les vrais problèmes qui se posent ne doit pas nous conduire à faire taire notre conscience et fermer notre coeur, ou à faire l'autruche qui, dit-on, cache sa tête dans le sable pour ne pas voir le danger. Si la Bible n'hésite pas à dire la vérité aux hommes sur leur terrible état, c'est parce que Dieu peut y apporter un remède pleinement efficace qui leur donnera le vrai bonheur.
Source : La Bonne Semence

"La bonne nouvelle ne tombe pas du ciel comme la pluie tombe des nuages, mais elle est portée par les mains des hommes et des femmes à qui Dieu l'a envoyée." - Jean Calvin
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