"Que tout ce qui respire loue l'Éternel !" Psaume 150.6
Le son du vent dans les arbres, la douceur de la fourrure d'un chat, la variété des fleurs et la métamorphose extraordinaire d'une chenille qui devient un joli papillon !
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Voici notre amie Chenillette
Nourriture : 2 feuilles de pommier + 1 petite goutte d'eau
Nourriture : 2 feuilles de pommier + 1 petite goutte d'eau

(Maxou a versé des petites larmes)
Le tissage du cocon a pris la soirée et toute la nuit !
le papillon de nuit qui a subi une métamorphose merveilleuse !
Temps d'attente : 10 jours
Temps d'attente : 10 jours
"Papillonette est partie se trouver
un "mari" pour faire des petits bébés."
Max est maintenant à la recherche intensive pour trouver une autre chenillette ! J'ai une petite inquiétude... Papillonette pourrait passer le mot à toutes les chenilles en disant que l'hospitalité est excellente ici !!! Auberge 5 étoiles... nourrie, logée !!! ;o)
Voici une histoire (en anglais) avec un beau parallèle biblique.
An Incredible Change
When a hungry larvae hatches from its egg, it begins to munch on crunchy leaves. As it eats, it grows and grows. Perhaps you've watched a caterpillar crawl along the ground or on a low branch munching on crunchy, green leaves. The ground can be a dangerous place for a caterpillar to crawl. But that is what caterpillars do.
When the caterpillar reaches maturity, he will spin a cocoon. Snug inside the cocoon an amazing thing happens to that caterpillar. He emerges from the cocoon a butterfly. He is totally changed. Do you realize after a caterpillar becomes a butterfly he doesn't eat leaves any more? Want to know something else? You'll never see it crawling around on the ground again. That butterfly is completely changed. It doesn't hang around the same places anymore. Instead of munching on crunchy leaves, it flutters from flower to flower to drink sweet nectar with a special straw called a proboscis. When the proboscis isn't being used it curls out of the way like a party horn.
The caterpillar is converted or changed into a beautiful butterfly. It becomes a brand new creature. It is an amazing change. But even more amazing is the change that takes place in a person's life when they ask Jesus into their heart. Oh, I'm not trying to suggest we look different on the outside, but on the inside Jesus makes you brand new.
Science can explain the metamorphic process of a caterpillar, but how can this incredible change take place? It is so simple it's hard to believe, but that's the miracle. It is as simple as understanding God loves you. Yet, no matter how good you might be, you have broken God's laws. God calls that sin. Romans 3:23 tells us we have all sinned.
Romans 6:23 says that the payday for that sin is death, but God doesn't want us to be eternally separated from Him, so He sent His Son Jesus to pay for our sins. He did that on the cross. Anyone that will receive God's precious gift can be saved.
Romans 10:9 It thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
It is as simple as asking God to forgive you for your sins and believing Jesus will come into your life... Like the butterfly... You too can be transform !
When a hungry larvae hatches from its egg, it begins to munch on crunchy leaves. As it eats, it grows and grows. Perhaps you've watched a caterpillar crawl along the ground or on a low branch munching on crunchy, green leaves. The ground can be a dangerous place for a caterpillar to crawl. But that is what caterpillars do.
When the caterpillar reaches maturity, he will spin a cocoon. Snug inside the cocoon an amazing thing happens to that caterpillar. He emerges from the cocoon a butterfly. He is totally changed. Do you realize after a caterpillar becomes a butterfly he doesn't eat leaves any more? Want to know something else? You'll never see it crawling around on the ground again. That butterfly is completely changed. It doesn't hang around the same places anymore. Instead of munching on crunchy leaves, it flutters from flower to flower to drink sweet nectar with a special straw called a proboscis. When the proboscis isn't being used it curls out of the way like a party horn.
The caterpillar is converted or changed into a beautiful butterfly. It becomes a brand new creature. It is an amazing change. But even more amazing is the change that takes place in a person's life when they ask Jesus into their heart. Oh, I'm not trying to suggest we look different on the outside, but on the inside Jesus makes you brand new.
Science can explain the metamorphic process of a caterpillar, but how can this incredible change take place? It is so simple it's hard to believe, but that's the miracle. It is as simple as understanding God loves you. Yet, no matter how good you might be, you have broken God's laws. God calls that sin. Romans 3:23 tells us we have all sinned.
Romans 6:23 says that the payday for that sin is death, but God doesn't want us to be eternally separated from Him, so He sent His Son Jesus to pay for our sins. He did that on the cross. Anyone that will receive God's precious gift can be saved.
Romans 10:9 It thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
It is as simple as asking God to forgive you for your sins and believing Jesus will come into your life... Like the butterfly... You too can be transform !
2 commentaires:
Allo Bibi!
Il y a quelques temps que je n'étais pas venu sur ton blog!
J'aime beaucoup les modofications que tu as fait. Ça fait changement! Toi qui n'aime pas trop le changement, tu me surprends :)
Wow! C'est bien cette histoire!
Merci de l'avoir partagé avec nous.
C'est un plus de voir les photos suivant les étapes de la métamorphose...
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